Sunday, August 25, 2013

Going Natural

Ladies, it happens to all of us.

The time arrives when significant changes occur within us, which are often troublesome. The ease, comfort, and overall well-being we have experienced for so long has become a thing of the past. Each day brings an onslaught of physical and emotional changes impacting our health, libido, and mood. 

How much time have you spent in conversation with friends, weighing your options with your gynecologist, searching the Internet, and/or perusing the aisles of your nearby drug store and talking with your pharmacist - searching for a safe and effective solution?

Have you heard of and considered 
Bio-Identical Hormones?

Made from soy and plant based products, the Bio-Identical Hormones have a chemical structure identical to those produced in your body naturally.  

Many women opt to use synthetic hormones which are foreign to our bodies. They are designed by drug companies in a unique way to be patented. Originally thought to be minute and insignificant alterations, some of the formulas have produced disastrous outcomes - let us not forget the DES story. Perhaps you are more than a little concerned about synthetic hormones showing an increased rate of breast cancer and how some therapies are being derived from the urine of pregnant mares. 

There are many factors to consider when deciding
whether or not to take hormone replacement therapy. 
We strongly suggest
that you don't take this decision lightly:

Make an appointment with Rafik Nasr, M.D. 
to discuss your current health status,
risk factors, and medical history.

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